Understanding Premature Ejaculation: Why do I Cum too Fast?

Understanding Premature Ejaculation: Why do I Cum too Fast?

Written by: Andrés Suro



Time to read 9 min

Did you know that  1 in 3 men  has or has had premature ejaculation at least once in their life? It involves a loss of control when reaching climax, meaning a man ejaculates sooner than desired or within an average of fewer than 3 minutes.

In the face of this concern, only 20% of men seek help from a specialist or someone close to talk about it, while for the rest, it remains a taboo subject. It’s time to normalize it! That’s why we bring you this article with everything you need to know (and some advice) about premature ejaculation. Are you ready to get answers?

What is Premature Ejaculation? When is it Considered?

There isn’t a standard definition for premature ejaculation because the term “premature” is highly subjective. Nevertheless, in most cases, premature ejaculation, or early ejaculation, is described as reaching climax before one or their partner would like.

Learn more about our Natural Solution for Climax Control

However, the   World Health Organization (WHO)   has provided a definition for premature ejaculation that can apply to all healthcare professionals globally:

“It is characterized by ejaculation that occurs before, or within a very short duration after, starting vaginal penetration or other similar sexual stimulation”

However, this doesn’t mean that all men experience the same degree or type of premature ejaculation. Do you know how many types there are? 

Levels of Premature Ejaculation

When it comes to male health, premature ejaculation is a quite common issue. That’s why there are several grades based on the level of premature ejaculation:

Level 1 : This is the mildest level of premature ejaculation and is associated with a lack of ejaculatory control , mostly due to stress or anxiety.

Level 2 : Level 2 is reached when the frequency of premature ejaculation during intimate relationships is higher than in Grade 1, becoming habitual and even chronic.

Level 3 : This level can have psychological effects , as it may be perceived as a permanent situation , although it can be resolved. Primary premature ejaculators (we will discuss this in the next section) often start experiencing premature ejaculation directly at Grade 3.

Level 4: This is the highest level, where premature ejaculation becomes a disorder, potentially affecting all aspects of life, including social relationships, work, mood, and psychological well-being.

Types of Premature Ejaculation

Primary Premature Ejaculation

Men with primary (or lifelong) premature ejaculation have always had a tendency to ejaculate too quickly since they became sexually active . It typically involves ejaculating in less than 3 minutes , and in some cases, reaching climax before 60 seconds or even during foreplay .

This issue may manifest since adolescence and can be attributed to factors such as hypersensitivity, masturbation habits, or changes in gland sensitivity due to interventions like circumcision. We will delve more into the causes later.

Secondary Premature Ejaculation

Secondary (or acquired) premature ejaculation is the most common form . In this case, a man with acquired premature ejaculation has had longer-lasting sexual encounters in the past but currently ejaculates more quickly than before . This can happen, for example, due to a spike in stress or a significant life change, causing a temporary loss of control over ejaculation.

In this type of premature ejaculation, anxiety , stress , relationship issues , or communication problems are often triggers for the loss or decrease of control. Does this mean that regaining control is possible once the issues are resolved? It could be , but it’s crucial to understand that the loss of ejaculatory control can become chronic if not addressed comprehensively. Hence, early detection by recognizing symptoms and signals is important.

Symptoms of Premature Ejaculation: How to Detect It?

When you consistently ejaculate earlier than desired in many or most of your sexual encounters, it is a symptom that indicates a habitual lack of ejaculatory control . If you find yourself in this situation, it is essential to consult with your doctor or a specialized sexologist to identify the cause and find a solution. 

Here, we offer a test for you to check or detect the symptoms of premature ejaculation.

Premature Ejaculation Test

Take our 10-question test to determine if you may be experiencing premature ejaculation issues and assess your level of ejaculatory control. Remember that the result of this test does not replace a medical diagnosis .

Now is the time to take our free premature ejaculation test and get some clarity. It won't take more than 2 minutes to answer the 10 test questions. Go ahead!

Causes of Premature Ejaculation

Until recently, people attributed premature ejaculation only to psychological factors. However, potential biological causes affecting a small percentage of the population have been discovered. As far as we know, there isn’t a fixed cause for premature ejaculation. Let’s look at some of the most common causes:

Physical Causes

Although in most situations premature ejaculation is attributed to psychological factors, there are some physical reasons that can contribute to its occurrence :

  • Hereditary Factor : Is premature ejaculation inherited? Genetics can influence premature ejaculation, and it may be inherited.
  • Circulation : Poor blood circulation affecting or preventing blood flow during erections can lead to erection disorders influencing ejaculatory control.
  • Extreme Sensitivity : Hypersensitivity in the penis can result in faster ejaculation. Hypersensitivity is not permanent and can cause various issues like urinary infections or trauma to the penis.
  • Nutrition : Poor nutrition can affect sexual relationships’ quality and even lead to loss of ejaculatory control or erectile dysfunction, among other issues.
  • Drug Use : Alcohol and drugs can affect semen quality and production and cause irregularities in ejaculation.
  • Other Biological Factors : A small minority of men experience premature ejaculation due to chemical or biological factors, such as abnormal hormone levels, medical conditions like prostate or urethra problems, or chemical imbalances in brain centers.

Psychological Causes

Contrary to what most people think, premature ejaculation is more related to psychological than physical factors and can be addressed naturally:

  • Poor Sexual Education or Inexperience : Younger men with little sexual experience may not know how to anticipate and control orgasms, creating insecurity affecting their relationships regularly.

  • Low Self-Esteem: Discontent with one’s physical appearance is linked to anxiety, generating problems in maintaining sexual relationships.

  • Anxiety and Stress : Many men with premature ejaculation also experience anxiety problems, which can worsen psychologically.

  • Low Sexual Satisfaction : Not engaging in healthy or satisfying sexual relationships can also cause a loss of control when reaching ejaculation.

  • Novelty in a Relationship and Overexcitement : Excitement and nervousness about a new partner or a new experience can cause it. An overly excited man may find it harder to control climax.

  • Conditioning : Masturbating quickly or forcing the end in sexual relationships can condition the body to reach climax faster. This is common in men with erectile dysfunction who want to finish before the erection disappears.

As (almost) always in the intimate world, specific causes require specific solutions. If you keep reading to the end, you’ll get all the answers and our recommendations for premature ejaculation. But if you think you’re in control and want to reach the next level, we offer our  Male Climax Keys Guide  for FREE.

Possible Solutions and Treatments for Premature Ejaculation

If this isn’t the first article you’ve read about how to control premature ejaculation , you’ve likely noticed that there isn’t just one answer, and many of them involve lifelong treatments. Don’t panic; there are solutions that are lasting and effective

Now, it’s just a matter of navigating through the sea of possible recommendations that each page can offer. That’s why we’ve organized each solution according to the type of methodology. We’ll save the best for last.

Pharmacological Treatments for Premature Ejaculation: Do They Work?

For complex causes, medication is a viable solution . For example, most antidepressants contain SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) that can prolong your orgasm. However, like with any medication, you’ll need a prescription and face the possibility of experiencing some side effects.

Nevertheless, the issue with medication is that you’ll have to rely on it for a lifetime if you want to achieve its desired effects. In most cases, once you stop taking the medication, premature ejaculation not only returns but can sometimes worsen.

On the other hand, there are desensitizing sprays and special condoms that are thicker and may even contain lidocaine or another desensitizing agent to numb your penis during intimate relations. This can help combat hypersensitivity and overstimulation , but it comes with potential side effects such as:

  • Reduced enjoyment : Despite desensitizers helping, they decrease the pleasure sensation in your penis. Not feeling as much as before can reduce the pleasure experienced in your intimate life.

  • Discomfort or inconvenience : Some of these condoms and gels may take a while to take effect, so you’ll have to wait before initiating sexual contact. Additionally, these gels can affect your partner’s sensitivit y upon contact, leading to a less enjoyable experience for both.

  • Not a permanent solution : Desensitizers can provide temporary help and act as a patch to the problem, but it’s not the definitive solution.

But before opting for pharmacological treatments, it’s better to turn to natural treatments that don’t have long-term impacts or lasting effects. Since they are natural, what you achieve is learning to improve ejaculatory control. 

Natural solutions and treatments for Premature Ejaculation


MYHIXEL Control  is a natural solution , free from side effects, and clinically proven . It has been designed to help men control and prolong their ejaculation , improving their sexual health, and allowing them to enjoy their intimate moments and sexual relationships more fully.

You can learn more about how this methodology works with this video:

Healthy Habits

Maintaining good healthy habits such as exercise, nutrition, or any activity that helps release stress or anxiety is highly beneficial in preventing premature ejaculation. If you’ve had or currently have issues with maintaining an erection, physical exercise takes a prominent role in keeping your sexual health at its best.

Communication in bed

This method is the easiest to implement . When you’re about to ejaculate, communicate it to your partner, and both of you can slow down to delay ejaculation and prolong sexual activity. It might sound simple, right? Yet, the majority of men don’t have the habit of communicating in bed, and this straightforward gesture can significantly alleviate anxiety or performance pressure.

For instance, in most heterosexual relationships, men typically finish before women. The average time for a female orgasm is about 5-7 minutes , whereas for men, it’s only 5 minutes . By communicating in bed, you can gradually extend the time to climax, helping both partners reach orgasm simultaneously . However, this practice isn’t a comprehensive solution as it may only alleviate simpler psychological causes of premature ejaculation

For more complex and chronic mental or physical causes, this method may not be very effective.

Natural Psychological Therapies for Premature Ejaculation 

In addition to natural treatments, it’s also important to discuss sexual concerns , whether with trusted individuals, a partner, or, of course, with specialists. This way, opening up and verbalizing such concerns can be a first step in facing the situation and finding a solution.

In the case of therapy or sexological counseling with a specialist, the goal is to understand what is happening and establish personalized approaches to reach a solution.

Exercises for Premature Ejaculation

There are some exercises for premature ejaculation , specifically body sensitization techniques like the squeeze technique or the stop-start exercise, although they have some disadvantages, as discussed in our Guide to Premature Ejaculation .


  • Only 20% of men who suffer from premature ejaculation visit a specialist or share their sexual concerns with someone who they trust, as male sexuality is still a taboo subject. In the case of premature ejaculation, 1 in 3 men suffer from it or have suffered from it at some time , but only a few are aware that in most cases it is due to psychological factors and that there is a solution.

  • Among all the psychological causes that can affect ejaculatory control are stress, anxiety, insecurity, bad habits of learning how to have sex, etc.

  • Seeing a specialist and looking for natural solutions without side effects can lead to a permanent improvement in ejaculatory control. 

Andrés Suro

Author: Andrés Suro  (Sexual Coach at MYHIXEL)

Psychologist specialized in the social area and expert in sexology applied to education.