Why is body-positive key for men?
Time to read 6 min
Time to read 6 min
We are in the middle of summer, that season that brings with it moments of relaxation, but also brings with it possible pressures on oneself. From wanting to feel fit, to getting rid of that hair you dislike so much. And although the concept of body positive has gained popularity in recent years, it is most often associated with women, leaving men out of the equation.
If there is one thing that is clear, it is that women have been and are the ones who suffer most from the consequences of beauty ideals, but these ideals affect everyone , and we have to recognize that stereotypes about the male body not only have a negative influence on men's physique, but also on their mental wellbeing. But what is body-positive?
The body-positive phenomenon is a social movement that promotes the acceptance and celebration of all body types , regardless of shape, size, color, gender, or physical ability. It was born as a response to beauty standards and challenges cultural norms that dictate what an “ideal body” should look like.
What if we review a little of where these canons come from? The male beauty model has historically been rigid, focused on muscular and defined bodies . This ideal has been perpetuated in the media and advertising and has ended up generating a great self-demand. These demands we place on ourselves often lead to anxiety problems, depression and even eating disorders . For many men, summer, with its emphasis on body exposure, becomes a constant reminder of these unattainable standards.
We start from one main idea: adopting a positive attitude towards our body does not mean ignoring physical health, but understanding that every body is valid and worthy of respect, regardless of its physique. Just in this line we have to clarify that respecting your body and that of others regardless of their weight, or other characteristics, does not imply encouraging unhealthy practices, such as sedentary lifestyles. The key to body-positive is to accept your body and that of others as it is in order to enjoy life without having to hide or be ashamed.
Yes, it is important to promote a healthy body image, especially in the summer months when the pressure to exhibit a “perfect” body increases. But many times, along the way, we forget that physical health isn't everything and that our mind also suffers the consequences of the expectations that push you to want to be “fit” . Body positivity helps you reduce anxiety and improve self-esteem, but this change of mentality is not easy and is not achieved overnight.
For many men, accepting their bodies as they are means facing a personal challenge. If we compare the women's movement with the men's movement, we will see that women have advanced much faster than men in learning to accept and value themselves without complexes. Why? Because there are many female figures with diverse bodies that have become popular in recent years. And not only do they make body positivity visible because they break the established beauty canon, but also because they openly talk about their struggle to accept themselves. Some examples are the Spanish actress Itziar Castro or the Australian Celeste Barber.
However, in the male sphere, things change a little and it is not until recently that actors like Jonah Hill confessed not to be able to take off their shirts in the pool until they were 30 years old. This is why cultivating body positivity is necessary to improve personal well-being and reduce the demands and stress related to physical appearance.
Okay, that's enough theory. How do I get to feel good about myself? The first step for men is perhaps more complicated than for women for one simple reason. Women tend to have an easier time communicating than men. Having close people around you to open up to and be yourself is key in this first step. Have you ever told your best friend how much you wish you had a different body?
That's why it's so important to surround yourself with positive and realistic body messages. And as we know that the first step can be really difficult, I suggest you follow influencers and public figures that promote body diversity and self-acceptance. In this article we have already mentioned some of them, but if you don't know enough, you can also follow profiles such as Martín Cabrera, actor and teacher; or the singer Sam Smith.
Instead of focusing on imperfections, it is essential to focus on positive qualities and what your body is capable of , especially in the summer, when physical activity and enjoying the outdoors should take precedence over aesthetic concerns. Do you need to have Cristiano Ronaldo's body to swim at the beach? No. Do you have to look like Mario Casas to go out with your friends for drinks? No, you don't.
But the most important step of all is to take care of yourself. And by taking care of yourself we mean having a good diet, being physically active, taking care of your relationships and setting aside time for yourself and those things that you like and motivate you, such as traveling, reading, watching a series... And of course, taking time to take care of your hygiene and appearance . Yes, the more quality time you spend on the things that matter to you, that you like and that make you feel good, the more positive your self-image will be.
As we mentioned earlier, talking openly about insecurities is liberating . But, as we know that sharing these experiences with friends can create some stress for you, don't forget that, today, there are many mental health professionals who specialize in eliminating these body stigmas and are trained to promote positive self-image and improve your overall self-esteem.
We can't travel back in time and we are already in the middle of summer. But don't see this as a factor against you, don't think of it as a race against the clock! Summer , with its relaxed and social atmosphere, is also a perfect time to start these conversations and begin to build a healthier and more respectful view of yourself. And if you need a little help, there are companies that are on your side and will make the road a lot easier for you.
Although it may seem that this kind of thing only exists for the female audience, the truth is that MYHIXEL is a company that has always worked for the integral wellbeing of men. And how can MYHIXEL help you gain confidence?
With MYHIXEL Control you will take control of your intimate encounters and increase your satisfaction by not only prolonging your duration in bed, but also by scientifically proven activities that will help you gain control over your climax. The basis of our 8-week therapy program will help you increase your self-esteem, self-confidence and self-confidence, both in your relationships and in your perception of yourself.
And with our intimate care products , you can give your body the treatment it deserves. From hygiene products specifically designed for the intimate area to those designed to increase enjoyment in bed. This will help you improve your relationship with your body and increase your self-love.
If you can get something clear from this article is that your body is there to fulfill all the purposes and plans that cross your mind. Summer is a great opportunity for all men to start practicing body positive . So, the next time you don't feel 100% comfortable with your body and you have concerns like “they're going to notice I've put on pounds” or “I have more hair than Tarzan”, ask yourself “so what?”.
Because the summer, however long it may seem, goes by in a flash and it is better to live it to the fullest , without beating around the bush, without focusing on the physical appearance, enjoying the season without stress. So, don't leave for autumn the acceptance of your own body! You will see how it improves your quality of life (both in summer and during the rest of the year).