Types of Penises: Does size affect Ejaculation?
Time to read 5 min
Time to read 5 min
Penis size or types are one of the main concerns of men. So much to the point that surveys and studies are conducted regarding the length and girth of men’s penises. In fact, research carried out by a team of scientists from King’s College London, and published in ‘The British Journal of Urology International’, stated that the average length of a flaccid penis is 9.16 centimeters and 13.24 centimeters when erect, with a girth between 9.31 centimeters of the circumference at rest and 11.66 centimeters when erect.
To this day, it is still necessary to remark that “size does not matter”, neither in heterosexual nor homosexual relationships. In penetrative relations, it is not necessary to have a big size to stimulate the other person’s erogenous areas. Therefore, more or less the pleasure experienced by the other person is mostly a mental and subjective matter.
Besides size and girth, each penis, like any other part of the human body, comes in a variety of shapes. However, broadly speaking, we can point out five types or shapes of the penis: the pencil, the cone, the mushroom, the banana, and the curved.
Penises can be classified according to their curvature, shape, and the whether or not they have a foreskin, although this is not really based on any scientific categorization. These are subjective classifications, intended to highlight some of the differences between penises and to classify them simply. Additionally, there is a brief description of each of the types and how much “potential” we can get out of them in our relationships.
The foreskin is the skin that surrounds the penis, whose main function is to protect and shield the head of the penis. Characterized for being elastic, self-lubricating and flexible. However in cases where there is some kind of injury or surgical need (such as phimosis), circumcision may be necessary.
Circumcision is a surgical procedure that consists of cutting off the foreskin of the penis in a circular fashion. Although there are different types of circumcision, the glans is usually left exposed permanently. One of the main reasons for circumcision is due to religious rituals or hygiene. Therefore, our first differentiation is between those penises with foreskin and circumcised penises:
Let’s make one thing clear before we continue: having a curved penis is not normal. When we talk about curvature, we are referring to a mild or slight inclination due to genetic or physiological reasons. If the penis curvature is prominent, then it is a problem (known as Peyronie’s disease) and needs to be treated by specialists.
With that in mind, it is quite common for your penis to have a certain inclination, some are tilted, others lean upwards or downwards… but how does this affect us in our encounters?
Penises come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes which can influence both pleasure and the sexual position. However, it should be noted that the most important thing in bed is neither the size, nor the shape nor the posture, but rather communication skills, willingness to explore, initiative to try new positions, etc. Without further detours, let’s move on to the 4 most common penis shapes:
Although we have tried to classify all penis types, some of them are likely missing from the list. That’s why here are the answers to three frequently asked questions about the relationship between the morphology of your penis and the pleasure felt during encounters.
A: Definitely, all kinds of variations may have an impact on when it comes to sexuality: bodies, genitals, place, time of the day, etc. Obviously, the fact that a penis has a certain curvature or thickness determines the position with which you reach orgasm, for example. Even when we talk about masturbation or oral sex, the shape of the penis can be relevant.
A: Although penises may seem simple to manipulate, you need to be aware of the ways in which you stimulate them in order to maximize the enjoyment without causing unnecessary damage. For example, it is important to consider the shape of the penis during penetration, whether you are the one penetrating or the one receiving.
A: There is a wide range of products that can make our sexual encounters with people with penises more pleasurable: ranging from hot/cold effect gels to water-based lubricants that enhance the quality of stimulation free of friction and dryness, such as MYHIXEL Lube.
In any case, different shapes of penises have no influence on sexual intercourse, partner satisfaction, or ejaculation, as it is your sexual and erotic skills and connection with your partner that make the difference. Many other aspects can bring satisfaction to your sexual relationships that go beyond the different penis shapes.