Pareja disfrutando de una relación íntima en la cama, representando los beneficios de una vida sexual saludable para el bienestar físico y emocional.

The Connection between your Sexual Health and Male Wellness

Written by: Andrés Suro



Time to read 6 min

Did you know that what happens in bed is part of your sexual health? Today we're going to talk about something that many of us love but very few men know about: all the health benefits of sex. Although I'll tell you right now that this is something you can celebrate every day of the year because it will change your life (for the better).

Yes. The things that happen in bed (or out of it) are sexual health and it is a fundamental issue that, although it is often approached superficially or from an exclusively physical angle, affects every aspect of men's lives and well-being. That is why having a healthy sex life is not only about avoiding diseases, but also about achieving a balance between intimate and general well-being. The result? Better quality of life and greater personal happiness.

Okay, maybe you're a little lost with the above. But don't worry because in this article we will delve deeper into how to take care of intimate health and its importance in a man's overall well-being. Because the relationship between sexual health and wellness is gaining more and more attention

Why is male sexual health more important than you think?

Getting back to the nitty-gritty, male sexual health is not only basic to maintaining a satisfying intimate life, but it also influences self-esteem, our happiness and, of course, our overall well-being . A man who feels fulfilled in this aspect not only has more self-confidence, but also has a much higher state of mind. And we anticipate that ignoring the care of your sexual health often leads to anxiety problems, stress and even depression.

But it is not only in the mind, since intimate health is also linked to physical health. Aspects such as blood pressure, cardiovascular health and even the immune system improve significantly if you have an active and healthy sex life. Therefore, paying attention to your intimate health goes beyond pleasure, as it becomes a fundamental pillar for your life in general.

Benefits in everyday life

We've already talked about the physical and the mental, but it turns out that if you're happy in bed, you're less likely to suffer from stress, sleep problems or certain diseases, and science confirms it ¹. And you may be wondering, “What does this have to do with my routine?” Well, all these aspects help you cope better with the challenges of everyday life, as it makes you more resilient² to difficult situations. Intimate wellness, therefore, not only improves quality of life, but also gives you more energy and the desire to live each day to the fullest.

Another key benefit is improved partner relationships

Satisfaction in intimacy strengthens emotional bonds, which can translate into more open communication, greater trust and a higher level of shared happiness. Sexual health and emotional well-being are closely related, as feeling valued and fulfilled in intimacy directly impacts emotional connection and enjoyment of life as a couple.

Factors that affect sexual health and how to manage them

Male sexual health is influenced by multiple factors and as we mentioned earlier, it ranges from the physical to the emotional. So, in the same way that a fulfilling sex life improves your overall life, having good habits also positively influences your sex life. In other words, it's a two-way street. 

So you have to assess some conditions such as hypertension, diabetes or overweight , which affect sexual performance and desire, as well as the consumption of tobacco, alcohol and certain substances. On a psychological level, stress and lack of communication in relationships can diminish intimate well-being and the quality of sexual life.

In addition to physical and emotional factors, the environment also plays an important role.  The education we have received or the experiences we carry with us about sexuality influence the perception of our intimacy and how we take care of ourselves and devote ourselves. 

Strategies and habits for a healthy sex life

From MYHIXEL, we always make a great emphasis on adopting lifestyle habits that take you to the next level in terms of health. Sleeping well, eating right and exercising regularly are basic for an active and healthy sex life.

Another key strategy is to prioritize communication with your partner. There are couples who do not have full confidence to have sexual communication, but talking openly about your desires, your concerns in bed and about the expectations in the relationship help much more than you think to strengthen the bond, which has a positive impact on the quality of sex life and overall well-being.

But... How does sexuality influence general health?

The relationship between sexuality and health is much deeper and more complex than it seems at first glance. A healthy sex life not only brings pleasure, but (as we indicated at the beginning) is key to reducing stress levels, improving mood and contributing to a more robust immune system. In fact, studies³ have shown that intimate well-being is associated with longer life expectancy and a better overall quality of life . So, if you want to live longer (and better), enjoy it!

The chemistry behind your sexuality

During sex, endorphins and other happy hormones are released that help relieve stress and promote an overall state of well-being. These types of physical benefits contribute to greater physical stamina and a better state of mental health .

In addition, the release of hormones such as oxytocin and dopamine reinforce bonding , strengthening the emotional connection with your partner and giving rise to feelings of attachment and trust. Oxytocin, known as the “love hormone,” helps reduce anxiety, while dopamine activates reward centers in the brain, generating pleasure and satisfaction.

What are the risks of downplaying our sexual health?

Let's face it, many of us have ignored an ailment or two at some point in our lives. But what happens when what we're not listening to has to do with our sexual health? Well, the consequences are significant. Sexual performance problems often lead to frustration, embarrassment and affect the relationship. In addition, not having an intimate life (or having many deficiencies) is related to health problems such as hypertension, obesity and depression.

Then there is the opposite side, that is, those who have a sex life but do not take proper care of it. Either with barrier methods or with adequate medical check-ups and guidelines. And this increases the risk of sexually transmitted infections and chronic problems that can affect your quality of life in the long run. 

How to achieve a healthy and satisfying sex life?

By now you've probably come to the conclusion that sexual health requires a commitment to physical, mental and emotional well-being . But because we want you to finish this article learning practical tips that you can apply, here are three key points to help you achieve the sex life you deserve.

  1. Keep your body in shape and pay attention to general health signs.

  2. Recognize the positive and negative points of your sex life to get to know yourself better and know where you can improve or what you need to pay attention to.

  3. Communicate with your partner about the “bad” and the “good”. From desires, and needs, to concerns to increase trust and emotional connection.

And remember that you don't have to do this process alone, you can always count on the help of an expert to advise you and clear all your doubts! 

Beyond the bed: keeping your sexual health in check

Sexual health is a fundamental pillar of holistic wellness, and its impact goes beyond intimate life. If you take care of this aspect, you are promoting a fuller life, with greater energy, self-esteem and overall well-being. Living a healthy and satisfying sexuality is, without a doubt, one of the paths to a life full of happiness and fulfillment.


  1. Brody S. (2010). The relative health benefits of different sexual activities. The journal of sexual medicine7(4 Pt 1), 1336–1361.

  2. Delgado, P. L., & Moreno, F. A. (2000). Role of norepinephrine in depression. The Journal of clinical psychiatry61 Suppl 1, 5–12. 

Lindau, S. T., Schumm, L. P., Laumann, E. O., Levinson, W., O'Muircheartaigh, C. A., & Waite, L. J. (2007). A study of sexuality and health among older adults in the United States. The New England journal of medicine357(8), 762–774. 

Andrés Suro

Author: Andrés Suro  (Sexual Coach at MYHIXEL)

Psychologist specialized in the social area and expert in sexology applied to education.

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