Viagra: the New Trend Among Young Men
Time to read 3 min
Time to read 3 min
Viagra has been one of the main pharmaceutical products for male sexuality since the 90’s, especially when it comes to erectile dysfunction. Its popularity is due to the fact that it increases blood flow to the penis, making it remain erect, which allows sexual intercourse.
But, as with all drugs, they may pose a number of health risks. This is why a prescription is required for their consumption, so that their distribution can be controlled. So what is the problem? In many occasions, it is not only taken by those who present erectile dysfunction, but also by all those who wish to prolong sexual activity even if they do not need it.
Who can take Viagra, what other drugs have the same functionality, what are its possible side effects, why is it popular, what risks does it have in the long term, etc.? In this article you will find the answers to all these questions. Let’s start with the most alarming.
On the one hand, there is a fairly general relativization of the risks of certain substances, among which drugs such as alcohol or certain pharmaceuticals are the most common. This leads to many young people feeling that they are immune to the potential adverse effects of these substances.
Finally, the mass media have convinced people to believe that all things have to be immediate. That is why the first choice when considering a solution to a problem is to take a pill to solve a problem immediately, as opposed to a psychological therapy that involves several sessions and a commitment to the treatment.
As a result, erection problems are the main reason for sexological consultation in young people between 18 and 28 years of age. There may be specific cases in which a young person may need these drugs in order to have a satisfactory encounter, but the fact is that most cases have nothing to do with organic or physical causes, but rather with the way of understanding sexual relations.
Therefore, understanding what the different treatments for erectile dysfunction are for and in which cases they are recommended.
Although Viagra is well known, we cannot ignore other products that have a similar result. Therefore, it is important to mention them and to know what their similarities and differences are:
Sildenafil (Viagra): especially effective if taken one hour before sexual intercourse, lasting up to five hours for those with moderate erectile dysfunction.
Vardenafil (Levitra, Staxyn): its efficacy is very similar to that of Viagra.
Tadalafil (Cialis): can be taken one or two hours before an encounter and is effective for up to 36 hours.
As with the vast majority of prescription drugs, there are a number of contraindications such as:
Taking medications with nitrates
Having very low blood pressure (hypotension) or very high blood pressure (hypertension)
Having severe liver disease
Having kidney disease requiring dialysis
It is true that if your specialist has prescribed you any of the medications for erectile dysfunction, chances are that you will not experience any of its potential side effects. However, there is always a risk, so you should be aware of the following symptoms:
Visual disturbances
Nasal congestion
Back pain
Sometimes, if these drugs are used incorrectly, they can lead to hearing or vision loss or even priapism, i.e. an erection that does not go away on its own. But it does not stop there, since in the long term it has irreversible effects.
Long-term infertility problems (10-15 years) can result from the irresponsible use of such pills. This is due to the fact that frequent consumption of Viagra damages the quality of the sperm. In fact, the sooner one starts taking erectile dysfunction drugs, the sooner one can expect consequences in the long term. Hence, we should focus our attention on young men.
More and more young people consume Viagra during parties as a type of stimulant aimed to improve their sexual performance. The reason is simple: alcohol has a strong impact on erections, which makes it more difficult for a person under the effects of alcohol to achieve or maintain an erection.
But this comes at a cost: on one side, they rely on a drug to get an erection, and on the other side, they cannot conceive of encounters without penetration; or they do not feel “manly” enough without the vigorousness expected of them.
There is one thing to remember: you manhood does not rely on your erections. Sex is much more than penetration, especially when you have consumed any substance that can affect erections. Do not resort to pharmacological treatments if you do not need them and never take these pills without a prescription. Keep in mind that triggers are not a reason to feel ashamed. It’s time to set pride aside when it comes to enjoying yourself in bed.